Book: How to use Moodle

6. A note on Activity Completion

You will see tick boxes to the right of each element of the course.

This allows you to see your progress as you complete each week's activities.

Screenshot of tick boxes

Solid boxes mean you the user can tick when you have completed this activity. So, when you have read the Course Announcement, just move your mouse over to the box and click. For the Live Online Video Meeting, you can just click on the box to the right hand side of this activity to mark it as complete.

Dotted boxes mean that the course coordinator has specified some conditions you must satisfy to complete the activity. So, for books (blue icons) you must click and read them. Once you do so, you will notice that the box is ticked automatically.

For forums, you need to click to enter them and then post one reply, for this activity to be marked complete.

For Feedback activities such as 'How have you settled in?', you must click and submit your answers for this activity to be marked complete.