Book: Later Stages Symptoms

7. Toileting and incontinence

7.1. Prompted toileting

Prompting someone to use the toilet may be helpful. It involves asking, prompting , guiding someone to use the toilet on a regular basis.

This may help to

(1) decrease the number of episodes of leakage/incontinence,

(2) increase awareness of the need to use the toilet, and

(3) decrease symptoms associated with incontinence: Urinary Tract Infection, pressure sores, soreness/sensitivity of skin.

In one study, prompting toilet use every two hours resulted in a greater than 50% decrease in urine leakage in frail older people living at home.

The first step is to try to determine your family member’s normal pattern. This can be accomplished by observing when they usually go to the toilet and checking for wetness or soiling. 

If they do not toilet independently, you can take him or her to the toilet every 1 or 2 hours and observe for leakage in between.  

Next step -  take the person to the toilet about 10 minutes before you think he or she will need to use the toilet. Don’t attempt to change your family member’s pattern. This is Prompted Toileting.