Book: Later Stages Symptoms

6. Eating and drinking

6.1. Swallowing problems

As dementia progresses it may affect the area of the brain that controls swallowing. In later stage dementia the person may have a weak swallow or lose the ability to swallow safely, for example they may cough or choke after swallowing food or drinks.

Swallowing problems can also be caused by general weakness and frailty of the person, that is, their swallowing muscles become very weak.

Other problems – such as having a sore mouth or sensitive teeth – can cause a person to take in less food or develop swallowing problems. 

Signs of swallowing difficulties are coughing when/after eating, holding food in the mouth, excessive clearing of the throat or recurrent chest infections, and or excessive spitting. You should bring these issues to the attention of your doctor, public health nurse or speech and language therapist as soon as possible.

For more information on swallow difficulties (dysphasia) for the person with dementia please watch the following video (3mins)