Book: Transitions

9. Caring at home

Dementia like other chronic life limiting diseases takes an unpredictable and often protracted course.

People with dementia living at home are mainly cared for by their spouses, followed by adult children and children in law. The care given is influenced by the Carers age, socio- economic circumstances, personalities, coping strategies and the relationship they have with the person with dementia.

As your care journey continues you need to think about some issues for you and the person you are caring for.

Reflective Exercise: Take 10 mins to think about these questions:

Has the person with dementia identified their preferences for end of life care?

Is their preference being at home?

Is reliable and responsive care available?

Will the home accommodate any equipment that may be required, such as hospital bed, commode, and hoist?

Are you physically able to move the person when they become unable to change their own position?

Can you meet your other family and work needs responsibilities as well?

Are you emotionally prepared to care for your relative as they are dying?

(Middleton-Greene, et al., 2017)

Post your answers to Home Care Indicators questionnaire on the Moodle page.