Book: Coping and Self-Care

8. A person-centred approach to coping

In practice, people use a combination of coping strategies to help get through stressful situations.  For example some people may use avoidance as a coping strategy when it comes to financial matters but may seek social support when dealing with health care issues.

The challenge for us as carers is to try to respond in a way that helps both ourselves and the person with dementia. The answer may be in thinking about a given situation in a more balanced way and communicating honestly our feelings and emotions. Reflecting on, knowing how we ourselves cope, how others in our families and the person with dementia copes in a given situation may help us.

Last week you will remember we talked a lot about person-centred care and knowing the person with dementia. Being aware of the person with dementia’s coping styles may also provide insight into a given situation. Reducing stress for the person with dementia can also reduce stress for the carer.