8. Personal Care

For most adults, washing is a personal and private activity. As dementia progresses the person with dementia may need reminders or help to wash. Sometimes the person with dementia may be reluctant to wash and you will need to find ways to encourage them which do not cause distress. It is important to respect the person’s dignity at all times.

If you are finding it difficult to persuade the person to wash or if they need more assistance than you can give, contact the public health nurse, who may be able to advise or to arrange help. You can contact the public health nurse through your local health centre.

Tips for assisting with personal care:

  • Encourage independence

  • Encourage the person to wash themselves for as long as possible.

  • Continue with familiar washing routines established before they developed dementia e.g. a morning shower or a weekly bath with a stand up wash on days in between

  • Try reminding them of the next step, tactfully indicating the part to be washed or they might like to have some assistance from you like handing them the soap or towel.

More information on personal care is available from The Alzheimer Society of Ireland's website.