Book: Transitions
7. What to discuss in advanced care planning
These are questions to be discussed with your loved one with regard to Advanced Care Planning.
What if….
you become more ill, where do you want to be cared for?
you become unable to safely swallow food – would you want to be fed with a tube into your stomach?
you develop an infection – would you like to be admitted to hospital for treatment or would you prefer treatment in your home or Long Term Care?
What do you think…..
about what we need to do if you become unwell?
about what your family or friends might want to know?
about what your family or friends might think about this conversation?
What …..
else do I need to know about you?
are you worried / not worried about?
matters most to you now or later?
would a good day be like?
If you like, you can use this template for recording your loved ones wishes