2. Support within families

2.2. Open communication with family

In Later Stages of dementia, the person will need the support and care of their family. The more people participating in care, the less alone the main Carer will feel. Family meetings are a way to facilitate this process.

Each family is different. When planning a family meeting, it is important to include everyone who is or will be part of the caregiving team. This may be the person’s spouse, adult children including sons and daughters in law, grandchildren, long standing friends of the person with dementia, neighbours or paid caregivers.

A decision must also be made about whether or not to include the person with dementia. It might be a consideration to hold at least the first meeting without him/her present.

Family Meetings/ Some points 

  • All family members need information to help understand dementia. Part of that is an understanding that the person with dementia's needs will change over time. They will become more dependent. Because of the complex nature of dementia, more than one person needs to be involved in care.
  • Everyone can play a part –
    • Some family members may be more practical and look at the laundry or cleaning or cooking, if these are issues
    • Others may be in a position to help with ‘driving’ – either socially or to appointments
    • Some may be in a position to help out in financial matters
    • Some may like to chat , tell the local news
  • Hold regular family meetings – perhaps once a month, even when there is no ‘issue’ to discuss. Staying connected in the good times will build up relationship for when there are more difficult times
  • Accept it is normal for families to have differences of opinion. Dealing with dementia can bring out many strong emotions for some
  • Family roles will affect each person’s perspectives on dementia. Person with dementia/ spouse / partner may have different perspective on care planning than a son / daughter/ or aunt or uncle / grandchild
  • Do remember that family commitments may vary.
  • Listen to each family member with respect.

Open and honest communication is beneficial for everyone.