7. End of Life Care for the person with dementia

We know that dementia is a progressive, terminal disease.  We know that Palliative Care is an approach that emphasizes comfort. This can be given in the person's own home or a nursing home, a hospital or hospice (if available).

Wherever the place of end of life, the emphasis is on ‘being with’ rather than ‘doing for’.

By the time the end of life comes, most Carers of the person with dementia will have been involved for many years.

Whether the person dies at home, in a hospital, hospice or Nursing Home, Carers should take pride in the many ways they have made the person’s life better. It should be reassuring to know that it was they, the Carer that allowed the person’s identity to be visible throughout his life.

Bereavement: After a person with dementia dies, remember, it will take time to adjust to your loss. There are no rules for grieving – we all react to the losses in our life in our own way. Whatever your reaction to the death, you will deal with it in your own way and in your own time.