3. Unit 3 Transitions Review

In Unit 3 Transitions and changes in the care journey was examined.

Transitions refer to a shift in the nature of care and may include physical changes to where care takes place and also the psychological shifts you the carer need to make as the care journey continues to pose challenges to you. Transitions also refer to the changing symptoms and stages of dementia that the person you are caring for goes through. 

Planning for Later Stage and End of Life helps to relieve stress by giving as sense of control and choice, ideally discussed in the early stages of dementia. But it is never too late to plan ahead. Planning may be difficult and may bring about feelings of grief, anxiety, guilt and present financial difficulties. On the positive side, if you can manage to put a plan in place, this can lead to feelings of peace of mind and security, as well as honouring the wishes of the person with dementia. 

We mentioned 'advanced care planning' on page 6 and outlined a number of approaches. We also set out a series of questions in relation to advanced care planning for you to consider thinking about and answering (page 7). 

Caring at Home Indicators were highlighted (page 9). You may like to reflect on your answers to these questions now. Do you still feel the same way as you did when you completed these questionnaires earlier in the course?

Finally, we provided you with some things to consider for decision making on page 10. 

You can of course go back and read the full Book: Transitions again if you like.