Pregled sekcija

  • Welcome to the course

    We are pleased you are joining us on this blended learning programme. This blended learning programme is a mixture of online and face-to-face provision. However, because of current COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to meet up at a face-to-face venue. Therefore, all of the meetings will take place online, and all of the materials will be available on this Moodle platform. 

    This course is likely to bring out feelings of high emotion in what is a difficult topic. We will present materials openly and honestly in an effort to engage you as learners. There may be times when you find this very challenging. 

    This is the final version of the course which has been pilot tested with four cohorts of learners. The course was developed with the support of a grant from Erasmus+. 

    Course participants should spend about three hours on the course each week. This will include reading through the materials contained in the books, participating in forums and attending the 'live' online video meetings. 

    We do hope you find the course interesting, helpful and informative. This week we will meet for a one hour video tutorial, and you will find details and the link to the meeting below.