The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Helpline Advisers and trained Helpline Volunteers are available to talk to you in confidence. Call 1800 341 341, or email
Monday to Friday - 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday 10 am to 4 pm.
CounsellingFamily Carers Ireland offers free, one-to-one counselling to family carers by appointment. A trained counsellor will be available to listen and to help if you feel the stresses of caring or related issues are impacting negatively on your life or on your physical or psychological wellbeing. If you feel you would benefit from this service, please contact Marian Mahon at All enquiries will be treated in strictest confidence.
Provide confidential emotional support for people experiencing feeling of distress or despair. Call Freephone: 116 123, Text: 087 2 60 90 90 (standard text rates apply) or Email: