Later Stage Dementia Care - Blended Learning for Families (Final Template)
Atalaren laburpena
Welcome to the course
We are pleased you are joining us on this blended learning programme. This blended learning programme is a mixture of online and face-to-face provision. However, because of current COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to meet up at a face-to-face venue. Therefore, all of the meetings will take place online, and all of the materials will be available on this Moodle platform.
This course is likely to bring out feelings of high emotion in what is a difficult topic. We will present materials openly and honestly in an effort to engage you as learners. There may be times when you find this very challenging.
This is the final version of the course which has been pilot tested with four cohorts of learners. The course was developed with the support of a grant from Erasmus+.
Course participants should spend about three hours on the course each week. This will include reading through the materials contained in the books, participating in forums and attending the 'live' online video meetings.
We do hope you find the course interesting, helpful and informative. This week we will meet for a one hour video tutorial, and you will find details and the link to the meeting below.
We will use this forum to post out information announcements to you. Unlike our other forums, you cannot reply to our posts on this forum.
This week you will meet your tutor and the other carers at a longer two hour (face-to-face or online) workshop. Prepare for the workshop by recapping the different types of dementia in the Book: What is dementia? It would be great if you could also read the Book: Introduction and discuss the case in the discussion forum. You will need about one hour to go through the two books. The course works best if you read through the resources below starting from the top and working your way down to the last resource.
This week there are two books to read. The first is the Book: Later Stages Symptoms. And the second concentrates more specifically on the end of life stage and is called Book: End of Life Symptoms.
Maybe you want to read them from start to end, or maybe you need to browse and see what is relevant for your loved one. Either way, prepare for spending about two hours on studying this week, including our live video tutorial meeting.
This week's theme is transitions or changes that are important as the person you are caring for moves through the dementia journey. We would like you to consider these changes and how they apply to your own changing role. Please read through Book: Transitions. We will have our one video tutorial this week where you can discuss these issues further.
This week we are focusing on the emotional wellbeing of the person with dementia. We will have a two hour (face-to-face or online) workshop later this week. It would be useful if you could prepare for the workshop by working through the materials below, especially the Book: Emotional Well-Being for the Person with Dementia.
This week we are concentrating on coping and self-care for you the family carer. Please read through the Book: Coping and Self-Care in preparation for our one hour video tutorial.
This week we are looking at communicating while caring. In particular we will examine communicating with formal and informal care providers. This will include family interactions and also looking at communication issues with formal care providers such as long-term care establishments. Please read the Book: Communication in Care before the one hour video tutorial.
There are no new materials this week. So, we will use the time this week to review materials from previous units. This will give you a chance to digest and reflect on what are the key learning points for you to take on your care journey.
This is a list of books, articles, video referred to during the course.