Book: The Importance of Communication

Site: Dementia Family Carer E-Learning Courses
Course: Home Based Care - Home Based Education 2021
Book: Book: The Importance of Communication
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Date: Tuesday, 9 July 2024, 1:47 AM

1. Introduction

The overall aim of this topic on communication is to explore the barriers relating to communication that can arise for the person with dementia and their carer.

The Learning Outcomes of this topic of the course are to:

  • explore the different barriers relating to communication that can arise for the person with dementia
  • explore some strategies to improve communication techniques

The reading involved in this Topic should take approximately 60 minutes to complete.

Participation in the forums will require additional time.

2. You're Not Alone

We will look at both verbal and non-verbal communication and their importance when caring for a loved one with dementia.

Communication is so important in everyday life. And it is perhaps even more important in the field of dementia care. In this video below produced by Alzheimer's Australia, couples talk about issues around communication in dementia.

This video is availabe at:

What is the key message for you in this video?

3. How do we communicate?

"......At the centre of our being is a powerful need to communicate with others. Interaction and communication are key elements of what makes us who we are – they define our sense of self, of both our individual and social identities” (Young et al. 2010, p.22-23).

Think about what life would be like if we could not communicate with each other. Think about 'locked-in syndrome' - where we could only look on and not interact with others. This would be very frustrating.

Would it be preferable if people tried to interact with us or ignore us? 

Reference: Young T., Manthorp C. and Howells D. (2010) Communication and Dementia. New Perspectives, New Approaches. Aresta.

4. Non-verbal communication

The graphic below illustrates different non-verbal communication methods.

Do you take account of these when you are communicating with your loved one with dementia?

Non-verbal communication

Source: Nonverbal communication blog - available at:

5. How to improve communication

Take a look at this short video on tips for responding to repetitive questions. 



Is this a useful approach?

Use the Your communication experiences forum to tell us about what how you have coped with communication issues in your care giving role. Thank you.

6. Pause and Reflect

Think about the materials and videos in this topic on communication.

  • Have you learned anything new from them?
  • Do you use verbal and non-verbal communication techniques?
  • How could you use this new knowledge to sustain and improve your caring situation?

Consider these questions as we move through the week.

Feel free to share your views and insights in the Your communication experiences forum.

7. Communication Tips and Tricks

Take a look at this short video on Communication Tips and Tricks

This video is available to view at:

8. Summary

Okay, in this short topic on Communication, we have looked at the importance of both verbal and non-verbal communication techniques. And we have started to explore some strategies to assist you communicate with your loved one.

Later in the course we will look at changing (or responsive) behaviours that your loved one may exhibit as their dementia progresses.