Book: Engaging Activities

Сајт: Dementia Family Carer E-Learning Courses
Курс: Home Based Care - Home Based Education 2021
Књига: Book: Engaging Activities
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Датум: уторак, 9. јул 2024, 00:01

1. Introduction

In this Topic, we look at how important activites are for a person with dementia.

The Learning Outcomes for this Topic of the course are to:

  • appreciate why meaningful activities, social connections and community involvement are so important for the person with dementia
  • explore different meaningful activities that could be suitable for the person with dementia taking account of the persons history, background and interests
  • discuss how activities can be introduced and tailored for the person with dementia to create a more positive environment for you and the person with dementia
Reading through and viewing the Resources and Activities on this Topic should take approximately 60 minutes to complete.

Participating in the Forum and completing the Optional Activities will require additional time.

2. Overview

Social activities are important for all of us.

Take a look at this short video on Purposeful Activities from Alzheimer's Australia. It shows the importance of getting to know the person with dementia to deliver 'person-centred care'.

Video available at:

3. The importance of activities

Activities are important for everyone, including people who have dementia.

They make us feel included in life tasks.

They provide a sense of self-fulfilment through our contribution to the task at hand.

They help us to experience fun, choice and enjoyment.

4. Dementia and activities

Dementia can have an impact on types of activities in which the person you are caring for can participate.

Take a look at the video presentation below.

This video is available to view at:

5. Pause and Reflect

Given what you have read and seen so far in this Topic, think about the activities you have been doing with your loved one with dementia.

These of course will depend on the stage and symptoms of your loved one's dementia.

Do you think you might alter or try new activities as a result of what you have seen so far?

Explore and share your experiences in the Your activities forum.

6. Life Story Activities

The video below provides some practical ideas about Life Story or Reminiscing Therapy.

This can be a great activity to carry out with your loved one, either as a one-to-one activity or with other members of your family present.

Video available at:

7. Adapting Activities

As Dementia progresses it will be necessary to adjust our expectations around your loved one's participation in activities.

For that reason, you may need to make practical adaptations so that activities can remain engaging for your loved one.

Have you any experience of already adapting activities to suit your loved one's dementia?

You might like to read through Factsheets: Activities for some ideas.

And please feel free to share your insights in the Your activities forum.

8. Late Stage Activities

As Dementia progresses, it can be very difficult to maintain engaging activities for your loved one.

Your loved one may seem apathetic and unable to participate in any activities at all.

Take a look at Henry's story in the video below. It shows the power of music to connect Henry to an earlier part of his life.

Video available at:

9. Summary

In this short section, we have looked at the importance of meaningful activities for your loved one. It is so important that we seek to ensure that even as dementia progresses, you do your best to keep your loved one as active as possible.

Don't forget you can use Week 4: Care Delivery Action Plan to focus on how to apply what you have learned this week to your caring situation.

And please feel free to leave us your thoughts on this week's materials in Feedback: Week 3.

Thank you.