4. Communication

Is it possible to communicate with a person with advanced dementia who may not be able to talk and appears unresponsive? When you first meet someone with no language and apparently little of their personality remaining, it is easy to believe that it is not.

But there is clear evidence, through the use of sounds, sight, tastes, hugs, touch, warmth, odours (by using all the senses) people living with advanced dementia do not lose the ability to communicate. And we, as carers can communicate with people in all stages of dementia.

Even though they can’t talk you can tell. Their eyes are fixed on you and they’ll smile or they’ll be far more relaxed when you’re doing something.

Naomi Feil, founder of Validation Therapy, shares a breakthrough moment on film with Gladys Wilson, 87, who is virtually unable to speak. As Naomi starts singing gospel songs – favourites of Gladys, who has Alzheimer’s disease – Gladys starts tapping to the songs and begins to sing along with her.

You can watch the remarkable transformation in Gladys in an extract from the film 'There is a Bridge'. 

Warning: this video is highly emotional.

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