Book: End of Life Symptoms
7. Food and hydration
7.1. Is the person suffering?
Whether or not a person living with later stage dementia is suffering is a most common concern for Carers. Carers are often unaware of why the person is having difficulty swallowing or does not want to eat or drink anymore.
The PHN or GP can help explain why this is happening: as a person with advanced dementia takes less and less food and fluid towards the end of life and their body adjusts so that they do not feel hungry or thirsty. The hunger and thirst part of the brain has now stopped functioning for most people.
Therefore, people are not suffering.
Providing comfort care is important and mouthcare can be soothing for the person
In people who are conscious, the mouth can be moistened every 30 minutes with water from a water spray or dropper or ice chips can be placed in the mouth. In unconscious people, moisten the mouth frequently, when possible, with water from a water spray, dropper, or sponge stick or ice chips placed in the mouth. To prevent cracking of the lips, a water-soluble lubricant should be applied.
If there are signs of pain or discomfort, seek the advice from the Public Health Nurse or GP.