Book: Emotional Well-Being for the Person with Dementia
5. Personhood in Dementia
5.4. Attachment
An American psychologist Bowlby (1979) defined attachment as a 'lasting psychological connectedness between human beings'. Kitwood agreed and said that persons living with dementia should be part of relationships that treat them with dignity and respect, and where their individuality is always supported. This type of caring relationship is about being present and concentrates on the interaction, rather than the task. It is about “doing with” rather than “doing for”.
Due to the dementia disease, persons with dementia are dependent on others. The further the dementia advances, the greater the need for “person-work.” Carers need to be the support that maintains the person with dementia. Knowing the person is central to care that is based in mutual, trusting and caring relationship, Fazio (2017). Providing an environment that allows continuous relationships helps the person with dementia to feel secure and to feel attached.